The CHy-Ext.(2019) Pre-session discussion forum is now closed for commenting.
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We want to know your opinion!
This platform has been created to allow the hydrological community to provide its ideas on the topics to be discussed at the forthcoming Extraordinary Session of the Commission for Hydrology (CHy-Ext.(2019)) to be held in WMO, Geneva, from 13 to 14 February 2019.
To assist you in providing your views, we have grouped the questions under three major themes. Each of the boxes below contains the questions under one theme. Feel free to respond to as many questions as you wish. For more information please read the:
To respond to a question, click on it. You will be sent to a page where you can post your reply.
It is preferable if you post your reply in English. If this is not possible, then..
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Grand challenges
- What are the major external changes and dynamics (technological, societal, etc.) that demand a response by the National Hydrological Services and the hydrological community of WMO?
- What are the top three areas where the capacities of National Hydrological Services need to be strengthened, in particular through international cooperation? What would be the difference in the case of a combined Hydrometeorological Service?
What can WMO do for you
- Which WMO programmes, project or initiatives having the potential to advance hydrology do you currently value the highest and what is missing?
- What do you think is needed to:
- a) Ensure production and dissemination of flood warnings that reach all people in your country? What do you expect from WMO in this regard?
- b) Drought-proof your country? What do you expect from WMO in this regard?
- c) Be informed enough to manage water wisely for food, energy, health, and the biosphere? What do you expect from WMO in this regard?
- Is there anything more WMO can do to make the government agencies that fund your operational hydrology activities more knowledgeable about the efficiency and essential character of these services to the social and economic well-being of your country? How does your Service relate with the disaster/emergency, agriculture, health and other relevant national agencies, academia and private sector?
How can WMO structure improve
- What are the key fora (for example: expert groups, Regional Association, Technical Commissions, Executive Council/Congress) through which your organization currently engages, or would like to engage, with WMO in the field of operational hydrology?
- Meteorology and hydrology in many countries are dealt with by different government organizations. What is your suggestion to make the WMO structure better adapted to the reality of such management of different sectors, to promote more effectively coordination of meteorology and hydrology in Member countries?